
I was Kidnapped!!

Imagine: You’re out with your friends and suddenly someone cover your eyes and drag you to a car quickly , everything was dark and the only thing you can do is just to follow the instructions with thousands of questions in your head and that’s what just happens to me this evening.

Let’s say about 1week ago, Yonis asked me to accompany her with her shopping zzz, I was kinda lazy to do that... She have to do the shopping since she’s moving to Lippo Karawaci next week and soo I finally decided to come…

In fact that I was walking sleepily this morning as I woke up, I really want to sleep longer this morning and heyyy it’s a weekend, but well I’m a Man of my Words.. also like Ernest said “Honour Your Words” and so I still have to meet Yonis, whatever in takes no matter the situation is (ex sleepy xD).

Tried to fix my computer, before I went to TA (even though I’m not finish) and as I arrived there Yonis was already there and asked me to meet her at Mango store. As soon as I met her she asked me to accompany her to look for stocking geezz what an unusual experience, then we go all around looking for stuffs like shoes, bags, dress, skirt, necklace and all the “Girang” stuff wkwk, well though she didn’t buy them all of course, she just bought a pair of shoes, bag and socks.

I was walking confusingly as we meet my friend Adrian Liberman, well Yonis went all around the mall insanely that we went up and down and go around the mall again and again. As I met Liberman I was planning to kinda call the others that are nearby, but first we need a place to sit, since we’re kind of tired after the tiring walk all around TA. We found an empty seat and as I was sitting, suddenly Yonis took my glasses and Adrian blindfolds my eyes with something and they bring me somewhere…

Actually I didn’t want to follow them at the first time, but then I strike against a glass and almost fall from the stairs, therefore I finally decided to follow them for my safety hahaha. From the sounds and the airs I figured out that I was at the parking lot and I’m indeed right, I was forced to enter a car. Then I heard some other people entering the cars too, but I can only hear Stevanus’s voice. Then the car goes somewhere I don’t know…

Finally the car stopped somewhere. I still have no idea where I am since I’m blindfolded, then we got off the car, they then lead me to somewhere dark and sat me down, I felt strange, I can feel the shadows sitting silently all around me ,there are more people there now!!

Suddenly the music start and they opened the blindfold!!! Some people came and blow some bubbles, some attacked me with chocolate and others sprit water to me and it’s a surprise Birthday party for me hahaha ^^

Frankly, I was still dizzy as they opened my blindfold. We’re in a café somewhere I don’t know. The next thing is to blow on the candles around the cakes, but there’s definetly something wrong with the candles since it keep on flaring again and again. Then they also gave me the present that are folded cutely hahaha (I’ll post the fotos later on, wait for them ^^).
It was organized by some of my crazy friends xD..

Then they also give me another special present wkwkwk this one is hard to describe, you have to see the photo yourself later on hoho… We went back to the mall and we met some familiar faces there such as, Tara, Elisa, Linsy and Andrew hoho… Later on we all went home and I went to Puri Mall with Dion, since I’ll be picked up there…

In Puri Mall I also met Lindy!! (Linsy’s sister + one of my Best friend ^^) unfortunately she’s unable to come to the surprise party, but somehow I accidentally met her there, even though just a while since she got to pick Linsy up in TA, who is watching with Andrew hehe

It was the BEST and the craziest birthday party I ever had ^^ Love you all hehe

Special thanks to all Yonis, Stevanus, Adrian, Diedra, Samantha, Michelle, Adeline, Dion, Pandu, Ko Fredy and Ci Yenny… Thank you so much!!

(Note: you gotta see the foto’s and videos)

Lesson for today:

A TRUE friend doesn’t just come and go… They’ll always be around ^^

Stay Cool at any condition hahaha

…and always SURVIVE hwhwhw

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3... What you normally do matters not, what matters is what you do when you got to do

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