Be Selfish+!

While most people think that being selfish is a "bad" thing, here's what Basketball Legend Michael Jordan say
To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don't isolate.

This is amazing! I couldn't agree more. I mean come on the world have enough people pretending to put other need, while they are busy doing their own things. Politics, Economics, Society, you name it.

On SuperTeen Bootcamp, a program I'm involved in, Ernest taught us about some principles and one of the is "I Help Myself, I Help Others" #STBC
And that's the truth! If You don't help yourself, you are limited in helping others.

Sacrificing your time and dreams for other people is NOT the Best way to help others. We can always help people, but there are many ways, we should find those ways that did not sacrifice our time and dreams.

Time to Time: Ask yourself  these question:
1. what you really want to do for yourself
2. if you are totally free, what would you be doing at this very moment?

It’s totally fine to put yourself first, if you don't, who else will?

So Be Selfish+! Help yourself then only expand by helping others!  #PositiveSelfish #RL

 Recca Li @roninsleader

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My Principles

1... What Doesn't Kill Me, Makes Me Stronger

2... Lead by Example

3... What you normally do matters not, what matters is what you do when you got to do

MUST Get!!!

1. Euro Trip
2. West to East Coast State Trip

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