The One

Everyone have this "The One" thing! The One? What is this about? A special one person? The one thing to do? The thing you do coz you live only once? A book? A movie? A whatever stuff cross on Recca's mind?

Yeah, again everyone everywhere got this One Thing, the one thing we all seek in life. Be it something to do, someone to be, something to have,  a dream to realize, a goal to reach, a business to build, a fear to overcome, a person to love, you name it!

The worst thing that can happen is that we lost track of the "One". The One thing you seek in this point of time. Can this one thing change? Sure! But we always have another One to replace it.

My Mentor Ernest Wong taught me that we always have direction in life, if you don't. Someone will give us their direction. Our Parents, our teachers, our friends, our girl/boy friend and whoever it is you met on your journey.

Whatever you are doing, wherever you are going, have faith. have conviction. There are lots of stuff that can be your One thing, I don't know what yours is, but I will continue to share and hopefully we all find ours.

We all have our stories we like, the one thing we want, the thing that really matters, the one we want to make the most of. what's yours?

You only need "One", discover it


1 komentar:

Anonim 20 Februari 2014 pukul 22.58  

Inspirational ! The "one" is like a light in our journey ^^

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1... What Doesn't Kill Me, Makes Me Stronger

2... Lead by Example

3... What you normally do matters not, what matters is what you do when you got to do

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1. Euro Trip
2. West to East Coast State Trip

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