School?? No Not Yet.. wkwk

At 19/05/2008..

Just as quick refresher, yesterday (18/05/2008), I stayed at Nickel's place and today we have to come to school at 10 o'clock (Yeah!!), but something else happens!!! As we're just about to go, one of the other Ronins member called and said that today is holiday!! Since the electricity was off and we couldn't possibly do anything there ckck.

No wonder Nickel and me decided to go to Ley's house (Ley is Willy/Abeng or up to you what to call lha), but first we went to Jonas's house to pick Naoki, Linda and Jonas. So all of us went to Ley's house . At first, all of us was trying to finish our Group 4 Project presentation, however since we're bored, we decided to play and me myself played Warrior Orochi with Ley and it was brilliant we're so powerful and undefeated hwhwhw.

Meanwhile as the sun is getting brighter and the heat is killing us, all of us was get really hungry that we decided to go to SMS mal to eat, then we went to Salsa and ate our lunch, most of us Jonas, Ley and me ate nasi goreng for lunch, but of course with different toppings.

Surprisingly enough, suddenly another member of Ronins, Stedy arrived and The Ronins are complete!! Naoki, Jonas, Stedy, Recca (me), Ley and Nickel, check it out!!

Suddenly it rains hardly that even the shadows can hardly move and within the blowing winds we went slowly nearing SMS mall and as we arrived at the nearest point, we have not other op
tion, but to run to the safety zone (safe from rain wkwk) and so we ran, however Stedy did something really stupid that he dropped one of his sandal on the way to the safety zone that he needed to return and took it. Here's the video I recorded, you gotta see this wkwk.

Afterwards we decided to watch the movie and at the food court we met some of our teachers and juniors that are going to match some movie too. Then autistic enough we meet AL and he insanely buy tickets for us, well
thanks anyway ^^ hwhw, but since he bought ticket for Narnia and I was kinda sleepy I slept for abou t 30min t0 1hour as we watched them movie wkwk.

As we're waiting for the film all of us are bored and yet we all looked downstairs since surprisingly there are many students even though it's a school day, then we figure out some other school also let the students to go home earlier since the electricity was off. At this moment somebody took a picture of us and it's kinda cool, check it out!!

That's Stedy, Nickel, Ley, Naoki and Recca (me)

Then after we watched the film, we all went to Gramedia and wander around a bit before we finally went back home.

Today (20/5/2008) I went rafting with Tung Desem Waringin and TDW Staffs and Crew and it was totally awesome, well check my next blog "Rafting of The Champions"
You gotta check it out Cya ^^

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2... Lead by Example

3... What you normally do matters not, what matters is what you do when you got to do

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